About Our Company

Kanis Retail Rwanda Ltd, with the use of E-commerce, it’s delivering goods efficiently and faster in Rwanda.


The world today is more about technology it has become part of our lives, and more people use it in a variety of things, and now in shopping.

That’s why Kanis Retail Rwanda Ltd aims to improve the business to e-commerce, where it delivers the product for those in need in a very short time.

Due to technological advancement and the way people are busy these days and no longer have enough time to go to the market to buy what they need where they are left to use e-commerce and buy what they want.

This is why Kanis Retail Rwanda Ltd is doing business through e-commerce which has facilitated Rwandans to shop and good services.

Kanis Retail Rwanda Ltd, a business company for a variety of products including Electronic equipment, children's clothing, adult clothing for men and women, household appliances, office equipment, sports equipment and many other various other items. Kanis Retail Rwanda Ltd aims to deliver its products to customers efficiently

More often when you use online shopping it’s slow to deliver this is what Kanis Retail Rwanda Ltd has solved because it delivers things to the buyers and delivers them in a short time and reaches them as soon as and our goal is to speed up the supply of goods to the people.

Patel Kalpesh said: “I started Kanis Retail Rwanda Ltd I think we are the answer to people who can’t be delivered to their homes as appropriate, I did it and I think they would be able to get the best products that last and reach them in a short time''.

Kanis Retail Rwanda Ltd currently has about 5,400 products on their website at www.kanis.rw where anyone visits and is able to shop and in terms of paying Kanis has facilitated people because they can pay using MTN Mobile Money, bank transsfer and debit and credit cards.

In addition to also trading Kanis Retail Rwanda Ltd has facilitated traders who wish to trade their goods where they can apply for cooperation through www.kanis.rw and they may be also traders and deliver things to their customers in a short time. Kanis Reail Rwanda Ltd is currently able to deliver goods anywhere in Kigali.
